Tuesday 5 November 2013

Group: Progress Update

We have now filmed the majority of our footage, which leaves us with still quite a few tasks to do. we need to edit and collate all the footage we have and choose which specific shots we are going to use, as the footage we have shot mostly we shot a lot more than we actually need in case something does not look right or something else looks better. As well as this we need to arrange our final two shoots, one taking place at Sam's house in a bedroom - for this we also need to consider lighting before we shoot. The other location we need to shoot is against the blue screen at school, so logistically this will be very easy to arrange equipment and cast and crew for these shoots as we will most likely film when we have free periods or during one or two lunchtimes as we do not anticipate it will take any longer than an hour and a half with the footage we have left to shoot.

We also need to take and print out a couple of still images to use as props and also for our print work, one of the artist standing looking into the camera with a fairly plain background, we already have this picture that we may use but we need to analyse it. Another picture we need to take is one of the artist and his 'girlfriend' standing together which we can use in our film as a prop. When we take these pictures we will probably do a similar thing to what we did when filming which was to take more shots than we actually need and when we upload them to the computer we can decide what we think looks the best.

This week we need to put some more consideration and maybe draft up some of the print work we wish to create, however we can not do this until we have taken the still images. We already know roughly what we all want to see in our digipak, a plain background with the artist as the main image, but we have not yet put in a lot of consideration into our second piece of print work and we should consider this whilst we our editing as it should leave two free members of the group.

When planning our next two shoots we also need to make a list of all the shots that are needed for each location and what each shot is likely to involve, similar to our storyboard and a shot list that Sam created but in much more specific detail for each shoot.

We need to finish off the call sheet and risk assessment which Adam has started and the editing is an ongoing process with Alex currently doing the initial part of it.

Below is the shot list that has been prepared for our shoots to help us organise what is needed and where instead of using a storyboard which we thought could be a little bit untidy and also confusing if there is too much to consider.

location part of song prop/ action shot no. 
Alex's intro record player 1
school studio/blue screen rap verse   2,3
tesco rap verse   4
bedroom - sams rap verse boddingtons, bin bag of stuff, phone  5,9, 10
council estate bit rap verse   6
school stairs bit rap verse exit sign? 7,8
front of council estate start of chorus phone, to start off first stop motion 11
front of council estate start of chorus phone, to start off first stop motion 12
grove? chorus stop motion 1 phone to take stop motion /
bus stop? chorus stop motion 1 phone to take stop motion /
getting off a bus/train? chorus stop motion 1 phone to take stop motion /
high street, entrance to grove? chorus stop motion 1 phone to take stop motion /
whiteboard, pin up board chorus pictures                                                       time lapse of pictures/images appearing /
a bedroom chorus at some point screw up paper, also cans of beer, and items that can appear on floor around him? /
bedroom - sams second verse touches heart 18
bedroom - sams second verse laid on bed 19
bedroom - sams second verse sit up on bed, hold up radio 20
cd shop second verse flicks through cd albums, or at home looking through albums                   swish pan out 21
plain white background, blue screen? Or bedroom second verse holds up bottle of vanish                                                                                                     swish pan in 22
back to studio end of second verse him alone in studio 23

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